Whats the Tea? Part One of many parts.

Always SMILE and never let anyone put U Down.

 The question for October 12th, 2023 is "Whats the Tea"Today tea is about life and being Black, Jewish Gay/Lesbian, and/or Trans we are NOT in search of being black, queer,  Jewish, or even Trans WE WERE BORN THIS WAY (and 99.9% of us LOVE WHO and WHAT WE ARE, its called having PRIDE in one's self) - LIKE IT OR NOT, its that simple...look no one is forcing YOU and/or anyone to accept them or their current situation, but if its NOT YOUR Cup O' Tea, fine move on and good luck searching the vast universe for being Straight or whatever YOU decide now being on the site develop by Google (R) just shows that their are actual companies within corporate America that is really GAY FRIENDLY and believe in the slogan of LIVE AND LET LIVE, hell Googlr (R) is far from perfect, but its the BEST in the Queer World and beyond...now everyone within the Queer world is always talking about both Tribal (R) and Google (R) and after being a true part of both companies I can see why, many claim something is always WRONG about them both but to be honest we have NOT been able to find any issues of any wrong doing, and we hate WRONG DOERS of any kind or race, wrong is just wrong to us.

Now this time is really crazy, to say the least, let us look at Hollywood, is the BIG C-A, California is about entertainment of all kinds and make, but it truly is void of a moral compass the National as well as some local news outlets - Report that "HOLLYWOOD" is now so fully of Homophobia, Transphobia, racism and that is just a small list - so don't get us started on that BULLSHIT and we QUEERS LOVE THE FACTS TO ANY AND ALL STORIES...it really FUNNY that at NO time did Hollywood and/or the Music Industry talk about or handles the Jason Aldean matter concerning his racist song titled about something in a Small Town, and the fact he was pictured with Trump and he and his wife SUPPORTED them as from our investigation so did many other country stars, that would include the music industry executives, et al...but they feel that KNOW ONE is talking about it that it is OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND, honey it isn't...we feel that the WORLD has other interesting storylines to get to first but the OLD SHIT is still n 99.9% of our minds...I can remember when I was growing up life was somewhat simple or maybe my parents shielded me and my brothers and sisters from the BULLSHIT O' THE WORLD. THE NEXT STORY LINE AND DISHING TEA IS ON THE BANKS and more.
