Make it STOP for Real this Time...?


The FUNNY part is that many complain about people of Color complain about Racism WAIT ONE DAMN MINUTE they wouldn't have to complain, period if they were left in their country and NOT forced into Slavery, and/or Raped, Killed, or even Hung just for NOT wishing to be a SLAVE, and yet we complain, those who think that are themselves the keepers of Racism and Hate alive, for at no time did anyone ask us if we First wanted to be a Slave or even kidnapped from our homeland to care for others, not like ourselves - the clear answer would have been HELL if we complain we have every RIGHT to complain and more. But most do not complain...why? For they understand that some are too old and the YOUNG to YOUNGER will stand and complain for them...being of color is NOT who we are, those who are also white are just as hip and cool as we, and they have experience the same type of Hate, Racism and more solely for helping us in our a quest for FREEDOM, so we Honor them out loud or to ourselves, but we honor them forever.

We shall continue what others have started, but this time we shall "NOT" quit, nor accept apologies for the Hate and Racism, of those who see it as a game, it "NOT" they stole our land and our dreams, but they will NEVER have our Souls, Faith in G-d, nor our Hopes of True Freedom. What was is NO more Moses was the first step, and yet they did not hear, the next step was MLK, Jr. again they did not the Time is of the Third and LAST time if they hear Not He shall then OPEN His arms and this time ?????, we as I cried and they stole my Property and took my home without just cause they did lie and commit perjury, while the State of Colorado and the City and County of Pueblo Government allowed such, wait the did the same on what is called The Black Wall Street, somewhere in OK, over 100 years have passed and they try the same ol' BULLSHIT we can do whatever we want to them (Black) and our white state and the federal government will back our play as they did for 100 years Plus - NO MORE. and all we got was NOTHING, and Biden FUCK ANY LOANS, give us back what is OURS, period if YOU cannot abide by YOUR own Laws, nor YOUR US Constitution YOU cannot have it both ways the laws fit us, but not YOU, WRONG ANSWER.

The Federal government in the long run is FAIR it just we as BLACK PEOPLE need to search them out, but they are there that I know and hope...DO I TRUST President Biden, the simple answer is HELL YES, he is NOT Racist as I can see, and I witness a lot from him and I haven't seen I will not lie about the man, nor his family, period the GOP/REP have that covered and CNN follows that BULLSHIT with pride, they are like another version of FOX and NEWSMAX, understand that CBS is getting there fast are others following the Devil...those days are HERE.

The above is the Start of the Evil and he shall be "NO" more thank G-d, but another shall come and YOU will follow him/her, they will claim a light but give YOU darkness. SHA'LOM I have had enough of the SHIT tell me what's on YOUR mind?
