The Food Market & Racism & More, et al

The above picture is a meal that I ordered from Carl's Jr. and as I stated it was Good as noted until a redneck racist came into the Eatery displaying a GUN and I felt threaten after just a few days ago some kids was shot with an AR-15 Assault Rifle and killed, again such made me feel threaten, and when I complained the manager looked at me as if I was in the wrong for having feelings, so I had enough, since neither Carl's Jr. and its HQ (Hardee(R)) careless for its minority customers I will no longer EAT there I will try McDonalds, et al but after reading about their CEO talked about minorities with evil hate and racism and McDonalds did nothing to this Date, so I will seek to eat else where...understand I did give them a try sometime last week on March of 2023 off of Elizabeth and the staff their treated me with the utmost RESPECT wait their was some Seniors there and HELL they treated them the same and they didn't even see color, sex and if the person was homeless or not, yet the other McDonalds in Pueblo are so full O' Sh*t and my numerous experience with them is NOTHING less than Racist and/or plain ol hateful...and Honey let them see a backpack and they assume said person(s) is/are either homeless or is without funds/money to purchase anything and 98% of the time that is wrong...and said PERSON feel UNWELCOMED and NEVER returns and they wonder were their PROFITS are going ask YOUR racist and/or hateful employees I am sure they have the ANSWER, if not they do what most people in Pueblo do when they get caught doing WRONG - LIE, but in times that doesn't SAVE most, if not all of them.

