What Is a B/B?

 A:  B/B means Bastards/Bitches it is a term used in the Minority Queer Community when talking about someone Good and/or Bad, and N-O, no not always Gossip, just to Gays, Lesbians, Trans and/or Bisexuals just Talking 2 Talk it is LIKE:

That B/B did whaaaaat....grrrrruuuuuuullllll and YOU said whaaaaat, and the beat goes on and on. Honey that is just a very SMALL PART of what's what in the QUEER WORLD OF WHO'S WHO AND WHATS WHAT..

Pueblo has a lot of B/B who are the most twisted B/B I have ever seen and this BASTARD  have seen a lot of Shit and some RACIST, but never toward me, mostly other still Wrong Is Wrong...and the FUNNY part is that it those who are around, mostly white hear it but they walk on as if nothing was said - when it clearly was, but this is 100% TRUE and it is all OVER the LGBTQ+ WHITE World so when they hate when they are disrespected, they forget we have been dealing with this SHIT for over 400 years yet they wonder were is the years TRUST in our own community - its the PAIN that we hear and see everyday and NOTHING really changes, but we MOVE on with our BAD Self.
