Carls Jr and the faces of Hardee's Racism on FOOD and More.


Now today on 03/31/23 I was very hungry and I decide to go to a Carl's Jr.(R)  to eat, understand the Cashier his name is Daniel was a very NICE YOUNG MAN who served me at which I ordered a Large Dr. Pepper and some Chicken Tenders, which was very warm and excellent tasting, I than went up to the cashier who was an unknow female at which I order two (2) fish sandwiches at which came to me and as I was eating and enjoyin' my meal  a white male came into the restaurant and his hat was red and a MAGA hat, yet that was NOT the worst thing and RACISM is way up their with me, but the GUN was the that point I had to leave at which I did...and the the white employees cared less since must be an EVERYDAY THING, if so I had enough I will NO LONGER EAT at any Carl's Jr.(R) and I will let everyone on Social Media to do the same...look not everything is about color and racism, but one would have to have been BLIND not to see the MAGA RED HAT and the message on it, not to mention the GUN...look they can serve anyone they wish that is FINE, but to place me in harms way that will NEVER STAND WITH ME, PERIOD.

So each their own I just feel the Carl's Jr.(R), nor Hardees(R) will be getting my business anymore, so I am OUT and DONE for REAL. if this is YOU JOIN me and this site, but if not enjoy LIFE with those who are known RACIST, et al.
